Drafted by Kate Cruz, environmental justice coordinator for CFET. She can be reached at environment@cfet.org
As far as Gypsum permit to increase emissions, anyone can testify at the public hearing and I would be happy to chat with anyone who would like to do so. We also had a community conversation with GP Gypsum tonight (4/14/21)and it was recorded and will be posted on CFET’s website. This should be helpful for folks who want to respond to the public comment/hearing. The directions for the public hearing are a little complicated: https://www.state.nj.us/dep/aqpp/downloads/publicnotpost/gppn.pdf
The NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) is planning to hold a virtual public hearing on this draft permit for EMR on April 20, 2021. The public hearing will start at 6:00 PM and end at 10:00 PM. Below is the Microsoft (MS) Teams link to attend the virtual public hearing and a phone number for those that cannot use MS Teams to attend the hearing. Please review the attached Public Hearing Ground Rules below if attending the hearing.
1-856-338-7074, Phone Conference ID: 85516133#
Anyone interested in speaking at the virtual public hearing is strongly recommended to sign up to speak by emailing the Department at
aqppls@dep.nj.gov with the title of this Public Notice as the Subject item of the email. Or, if you do not have access to email, please call 609-292-6722 for further assistance. If there are persons wishing to comment, the meeting will be extended until all persons present have had the opportunity to present their comments. At the virtual public hearing, oral comments will be accepted by the Department. The public comment period for written comments was extended to close of business May 7, 2021.